The Education, Culture and Youth Diakonia Committee (ECYDC) was initially established to provide Youth Ministry experiences for our youth which bring them closer to our faith as Orthodox Christians. For that purpose, we began a new and exciting journey in 2009. The ECYDC is comprised of a board that together with Father Constantine Simeonidis provide oversight of all Youth and Adult Education Ministries, the volunteer teachers and advisors who work with our youth. The board members are:
Rev. Fr. Constantine Simeonidis - Spiritual Advisor
Rev. Fr. Kyriakos Hambos - Associate Priest
Mrs. Maria Haun Davis – ECYDC Chair
Mrs. Irene Sorich - Vice Chair
Mrs. Dora Francis – ECYDC Past Chair
Mrs. Jennifer Cokias - Secretary
Dr. Andy Tringas - Treasurer
Mrs. Pamela Filutowski - Member
Mr. Alex Vastardis - Member
Mrs. Venetta Avgeropoulos Jones
The ECYDC and the youth program leaders embarked on a new approach to the content and delivery of the Youth Ministries. The format and content of our youth programs were revised to bring new energy to the programs with more contemporary themes and integration of the various ministries. The programs usually meet on Sundays following Divine Liturgy. We keep striving to improve our Youth and Adult Education Ministries at all times.
Our Youth Ministries:
Altar Servers
Jr. Hellenic Dance Troupe
Little Aegeans Dance Troupe
Asteria Dance Troupe
Filirakia Dance Troupe
Mission Ministry
Youth Choir
Youth Narthex Servers
If you would like to become a volunteer for one of our youth programs, please fill out our forms on our Youth Forms page.